These two Advanced Stock Market Directional Indicators should be used as a trade entry filter so you ONLY take trades in the same direction as the overall stock market is moving. This is also a good indicator to show when to take profits on your trades when the overall stock market turns the wrong direction.
This chart shows multiple Indicators already covered by other add-on products. The 2 new items covered in this product are the Market Bias $TICK and Market Bias Diff Indicators.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The ONLY 2 item covered in this trading add-on product is the CT_Market_Bias_$TICK and CT_Market_Bias_Diff - Advanced Stock Market Directional Indicators. All other indicators shown in the trading video must be purchased separately. This workspace is a part of the Scalper Trading System.
This is a very powerful trading tool, and I know it will enhance your trading. Just add these 2 indicator to your shopping cart, by clicking "Add To Bag" above.
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